44 Quotes About Historian


"...history is, as R.G. Collingwood suggested, a re-enactment of the past in the mind of the historian..."


"We should always be aware that what now lies in the past once lay in the future."


"Historians conquer the past, not the future. (Les historiens conquièrent - Le passé, non l'avenir)"


"A society that has no respect, no regard for its bards, its historians, its storytellers, is a society in steep decline, a society that has lost its very soul and may never find its way."


"... the historian who visits a place writes a different history than the historian who stays at home, satisfied to read about a place someone else once visited"


"A historian is a risk-terrified prophet."


"Uninhibited, they wallowed with zest in the filth and mire of their political conceptions and needs, among the very leaders of their society, but nevertheless the very dregs of human civilisation and moral standards. A historian who finds excuses for such conduct by references to the supposed spirit of the times, or by omission, or by silence, shows thereby that his account of events is not to be trusted."
