44 Quotes About Historian


"Una sociedad sin erudición histórica es como una persona sin memoria: engañada, confundida y fácilmente explotada."


"When it is a question of ascertaining whether or not some human act has really taken place, [historians] cannot be too painstaking. If they proceed to the reasons for that act, they are content with the merest appearance, ordinarily founded upon one of those maxims of common-place psychology which are neither more nor less true than their opposites."


"What is all our histories, but God showing himself, shaking and trampling on everything that he has not planted."


"Oh no, I'm not a historian or anything like that."


"What strikes the historian surveying anti-Semitism worldwide over more than two millennia is its fundamental irrationality. It seems to make no sense, any more than malaria or meningitis makes sense."


"The novelist wants to know how things will turn out; the historian already knows how things turned out, but wants to know why they turned out the way they did."


"I'm very excited, especially traveling with the president, who is a historian on Scotland."


"I've said before that I am not a historian and that when it comes to speaking of the dimensions of the Holocaust, it is the historians that should reflect on it."
