64 Quotes About Hoarding
"Originally, the cellar served primarily as a coal store. Today it holds the boiler, idle suitcases, out-of-season sporting equipment, and many sealed cardboard boxes that are almost never opened but are always carefully transferred from house to house with every move in the belief that one day someone might want some baby clothes that have been kept in a box for twenty-five years."
"Hoarding can never end, for the heart of man always covets for more, its raging appetites can only be quenched by the heavy sands of the grave."
"2020 is the year that black people became the center of the universe, white people got evicted from the human race, and buying toilet paper became the new gold rush."
"I felt that days, weeks, months, and years of my life were wasted by the removal of stuff. There were more important things I would rather have been doing. But I continued, and eventually, I felt lighter and freer than I had ever felt in the years of big houses with each room filled to the brim."
"As there would be no more inheritance, there would be no more greed. Peter Kropotkin"
"The joy of giving versus the sadness and loneliness of hoarding. There is no greater joy than that of giving and sharing. It is liberating. We can, after all, not take anything with us when we die and leave this earth behind."