29 Quotes About Holland
- Author V.E. Schwab
And Athos had. He’d broken Holland one bone, one day, one order at a time. Until all Holland wanted, more than the ability to save his world, more than the strength to bring the magic back, more than anything, was for it to end.It was cowardice, he knew, but cowardice came so much easier than hope.
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- Author Coen van Zwol
Stel alleen vragen die je kunt beantwoorden en probeer je publiek objectief te informeren, te amuseren, te verbazen, te bedroeven. Want veel journalistiek hangt inderdaad aan elkaar van clichés, manipulatie en luiheid, dus zo onderscheid je jezelf al. En heb je geluk, dan verander je soms iets of breng je een stellige overtuiging aan het wankelen.
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- Author Edmondo De Amicis
In the seventeenth century, in less than forty years, twenty-six lakes were emptied.
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- Author Hilda Van Stockum
But remember that truth itself becomes a lie in the twisted minds of our conquerors.
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- Author V.E. Schwab
I am still in control," said Kell through gritted teeth."No", said Holland. "You're not. Once you let the magic in, you've already lost."Kell's chest tightened. "I don't want to fight you, Holland.
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- Author Eduard Limonov
Holland is precisely a country of lean, fatless two-meters-high vampires. The living ones in Holland are only the buzzed-up-coffee Indonesians, whom they inherited from the possession of Indonesia, islands of exotica and spices. In actual fact Holland is a railroad stage between France and Germany across Belgium, along the boring coast of a gray sea. In Holland 20 million of vampires live behind the protection of a concrete-laid coast
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- Author V.E. Schwab
Life isn't made of choices, it's made of trades. Some are good, some are bad, but they all have a cost.
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- Author V.E. Schwab
His heart slowed, winding down like a music box, a season at its end. The last air left Holland's lungs. And then, at last, the world breathed in.
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- Author V.E. Schwab
All of them screamed by the end.
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