39 Quotes About Holocaust-history


"Six million Jews died in the Holocaust. Yet many people simply cannot accept this. They keep bringing up red herring after red herring to avoid finally admitting “YES, it happened exactly as the history books say, end of story.” Which, of course, is the only correct response to the question anti-Semites raise about whether or not this historically and forensically-proven Nazi genocide even happened."


"All truth-seekers should study the genocide that was the Holocaust and ask themselves how on Earth this event was 'allowed' to occur, keeping in mind allowed is the correct term as there was no shortage of witnesses, including those all over Europe who stood by and did nothing to intervene. If those bystanders hadn’t just stood by, perhaps the history books would tell a different story."


"The 1924 Immigration Restriction Act was the primary tool used by FDR to keep Jewish refugees from reaching US shores."


"Of the tens of thousands of words spoken during the Nuremberg Nazi trial, the word "eugenics" was said only once."


"Winston Churchill was an early proponent of eugenic legislation decades before Hitler came to power."


"American newspapers frequently offered praise for eugenics just prior to WWII and The Holocaust .... that is, until Hitler revealed what eugenics really looked like. They avoided the subject for decades thereafter."


"Churchill's 2,054 page book "Second World War" makes no mention of genocide or the murder of Jews. Coincidentally, Churchill was a strong proponent of eugenic legislation prior to the outbreak of WWII."


"Hitler learned his eugenics from the infamous "Baur-Fischer-Lenz" book that documented American and British eugenics."


"Certain American Progressives and British Fabian Socialists are very lucky that Adolf Hitler was a plagiarist, and that he did not cite their work on eugenics when writing Mein Kampf. Otherwise, history would remember them differently."
