39 Quotes About Holocaust-history


"Nothing in recent history makes any sense without a deep understanding of WWII and The Holocaust."


"A people eager to prejudge guilt as opposed to innocence, are a people ripe and ready to become a despot's "willing executioners"."


"These small examples are incontrovertible proof of what blind, organised hatred can lead to, and of just how low standards of human morality can fall."


"Eugenics is not just a tool of totalitarianism. Eugenics, as it was conceived, could not be anything but totalitarian as it desired to control all aspects of society. Hitler’s “National Socialist” (Nationalsozialist) form of government was amongst the first to put the full force of its government to conduct compulsory health initiatives. It is by no coincidence that the Dachau concentration camp used its slave-labor to run the largest organic produce farm of the era."


"No one, and I mean no one escapes from this camp. Anyone who tries with be shot, along with many others, in order to teach a lesson no one will ever forget."


"What are commonly known as the Nuremberg Racial Laws should in actuality be referred to as the Cold Spring Harbor, NY laws."


"You cannot write an accurate history of The Holocaust without accounting for the Harvard students and professors that help make the science an acceptable world-wide movement."


"Some critics argue about the exact number of millions of people murdered in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) under Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and other socialists. I remember the retort of the historian Dr. Rex Curry: a million murdered here, a million murdered there, pretty soon you are talking a lot of people."


"Max stuck his head out the passenger side window and yelled, “Open the gate, you idiots!” in perfect German. “I’ve got to get this car to Himmler.” The stunned gatekeepers rushed to open the gate, and the five men drove through it to freedom and into the history books."
