102 Quotes About How-to-be-happy-in-life
- Author Domonique Bertolucci
Focus on what matters.Honour your valuesand make decisionsthat are aligned with them.
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- Author Domonique Bertolucci
When you make a choice,acknowledge all the consequences.That way you won’t be leftfeeling compromised.
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- Author Domonique Bertolucci
There is no such thingas ‘no choice’. There arealways other options.Explore yours.
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- Author Domonique Bertolucci
Self-pity never leads to happiness.Remind yourself that the situationmay not be ideal, but it’s rarely theworst that could ever happen.
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- Author Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t sabotage yourchance for happiness.Own up to the real choicesyou are making.
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- Author Domonique Bertolucci
Choose to be happy.It’s the only sensible option!
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- Author Domonique Bertolucci
So many of life’s eventualitiesare beyond your control.Work out what things you caninfluence and come to a peacefulacceptance of the rest.
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- Author Domonique Bertolucci
Choose your battles wisely.Unless you have a very highchance of victory, spare yourenergy and walk away
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- Author Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t be attached to outcomes.Enjoy your experiences for whatthey are, what you have gainedand what you have learned.
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