73 Quotes About How-to-write
- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
The difference between some random toddler scribbling some crappy drawing and Leonardo da Vinci is that Leonardo has talent. Someone with no talent is not the same as someone with talent.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
If someone with talent creates something, it's art. When someone with no talent creates something, it's crap.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
If you want to be a good writer, you need to be a talented artist. And artists are unique and stand out. Artists are the opposite of conformists.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
If you want to be a good writer, you need to be a talented artist. And artists are unique and stand out. Artists are the opposite of conformists. So by doing what everyone else is doing, you're proving your mediocrity, and your lack of artistic uniqueness. When you follow everyone else's example, you are by definition not an artist. You're a copy cat.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
Pro tip: If you can't think of anything more interesting to post on social media than a picture of your cup of coffee, you are boring and you have nothing interesting to say.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
Conformists are boring. Artists are interesting. That's the difference between a wannabe writer and a real writer.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
Not every self-published indie author is bad. There actually are some very good ones. But they're the exception, not the rule.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But if there's a shirtless guy on your cover, or your title includes the words billionaire, alpha-male, werewolf or werebear, your "book" is probably a pile of unimaginative, derivative drivel devoid of a single original thought. Yet another poorly written romance clone the world didn't need.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
Even if there were no more books published ever, there are still more books in existence today than anyone can read. And most of them suck. Good luck trying to find a good one. It's like finding a needle in a hay stack.
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