25 Quotes About Human-values
"Primary aim of quantum artificial intelligence is to improve human freedom, dignity, equality, security, and total well-being."
"Quantum artificial intelligence put greater importance to human peace, economic, social, political and cultural rights. It focuses on fundamental freedoms and well-being for all without distinction to race, color, sex, country, language, or religion."
"If you want joy and happiness in life, focus your energy on improving human dignity, human capacity and human values."
"At the early stage of transition to the radically superintelligent civilization, we may use the Naturalization Protocol simulations to teach AGIs our human norms and values, and ultimately interlink with them to form the globally distributed Syntellect, civilizational superintelligence."
"Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more about human emotions, compassion, values and elimination of human sufferings."
"[A]s a species, we are very poor at programming. Our brains are built to understand other humans, not computers. We’re terrible at forcing our minds into the precise modes of thought needed to interact with a computer, and we consistently make errors when we try. That's why computer science and programming degrees take such time and dedication to acquire: we are literally learning how to speak to an alien mind, of a kind that has not existed on Earth until very recently."
"Don't you know that nobody can make you be shit? You can only let it happen."