2,417 Quotes About Identity

  • Author Carolin Emcke
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    Warum wird das Spielerische, Leichte, Dynamische aus der Sexualität genommen, warum sind die Klangfarben, die Tonarten der Lust als so statisch, abgegrenzt, einseitig gedacht, warum sind die Modulationen verschwunden aus dem Denken über das Begehren?

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  • Author Jia Tolentino
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    It's because of the hashtag, the retweet, and the profile that solidarity on the internet gets inextricably tangled up with visibility, identity, and self-promotion.

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  • Author Robert C. O'Brien
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    The real point is this: We don't know where to go because we don't know what we are. Do you want to go back to living in a sewer-pipe? And eating other people's garbage? Because that's what rats do. But the fact is, we aren't rats anymore. We are something Dr. Schultz has made. Something new.

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  • Author Meena Alexander
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    In order to enter that zone we must finally let go of the embodied distances that place grants. But what does this do to what we commonly think of as the past? I think of cyberspace, which is no place at all, as akin to the dark imaginary out of which poems come, their rhythms, their discrete music punctuating the inner life.

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