94 Quotes About If

  • Author Christina Engela
  • Quote

    If the people who institute civil partnerships for gay couples think they sound 'just as good as marriage' - why don't they get 'civl partnershipped' then? I suppose because 'marriage' has a nicer ring to it - and that is reserved for straight people.

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  • Author Deyth Banger
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    Everything is about "IF", if there was a way to avoid this I will do it. If I could win without giving a chance to the people to return objects in the board it will be awesome - So you get it!

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  • Author Christina Engela
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    If men could become pregnant – or be legally raped, or understand the unsubtle differences between ‘yes’ and ‘no’ – I am certain they would soon change their tune about abortion and the treatment and trivialization of the suffering of rape victims.

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  • Author Christina Engela
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    If all people were to be judged by ‘right and wrong’, nobody would be wholly right or wholly wrong - for have not all people ‘sinned and fallen from the glory of God’? It seems more than a little unfair (and unhinged) that some folks with at least as much ‘sin’ themselves as any gay or trans person, like to jump up and down and point fingers at what other people are up to in their own lives.

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