59 Quotes About Implementation
- Author Patrick van der Pijl
After all, business model innovation is about finding new combinations from existing business model elements, enhanced elements, and completely new elements.
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- Author Patrick van der Pijl
Successfully shifting business models is tough and requires guts and perseverance.
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- Author Patrick van der Pijl
After all, shifting business models is about customers
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- Author Patrick van der Pijl
Companies die because they’ve become fixated on fighting for their current business model rather than shifting to a more relevant one
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- Author Justin Lokitz
To succeed, you must adopt a mindset that is open to exploration and continually searches for (unmet) customer needs and contextual changes in the business, technology, regulatory, and competitive landscape
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- Author Justin Lokitz
Shifts start as small moves inside an existing business model that evolve into entirely new ways of creating value and relevance
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- Author Justin Lokitz
Create new ways to reach your customers
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- Author Justin Lokitz
Ensure that value is created for all stakeholders – customers, employees, partners, society, and investors – simultaneously
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- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
Exogenous and blind interpretation of statutes, topped with hustled implementation of laws by the corporates, leads only to more turmoil and less productivity.
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