99 Quotes About Inej-ghafa
- Author Leigh Bardugo
She missed Inej’s stillness, the knowledge that she could say anything to her without fear of recrimination. She missed Jesper’s laughing ways and Wylan’s sweetness. She even missed Kaz’s ruthlessness. Saints, it would have been a relief to hand over this whole mess to the bastard of the Barrel. He’d have sussed out Vadik Demidov’s origins, raided the Fjerdan treasury, and placed himself on the throne in the time it took Nina to braid her hair. On second thought, probably best Kaz wasn’t here.
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- Author Leigh Bardugo
Would you?" asked Wylan, his chin jutting forward. "Trust someone with that knowledge, with a secret that could destroy you?"Yes, thought Kaz without hesitation. There's one person I would trust. One person I know who would never use my weaknesses against me.
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- Author Leigh Bardugo
She'd laughed and if he could have bottled the sound and got drunk on it every night, he would have. It terrified him.
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- Author Leigh Bardugo
It matters,” said Nina. “I’ll find a way to make it matter. What will you do with your shares?” “Find a ship,” said Inej. “Put together a crew.” “Help run an empire,” said Jesper. “Try not to run it into the ground,” said Wylan. “And you, Kaz?” Nina asked. “Build something new,” he said with a shrug. “Watch it burn.
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- Author Leigh Bardugo
For Saints’ sake, Inej thought as her cheeks heated. She’d lost most of her modesty during her time with the Menagerie, but really, there were limits. What would Kaz say if she suddenly stripped down and started washing herself in front of him? He’d probably tell me not to drip on the desk, she thought with a scowl.
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- Author Leigh Bardugo
It was as if once Kaz had seen her, he’d understood how to keep seeing her.
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- Author Leigh Bardugo
She felt his knuckles slide against hers. Then his hand was in her hand, his palm was pressed against her own. A tremor moved through him. Slowly, he let their fingers entwine. For a long while, they stood there, hands clasped, looking out at the gray expanse of the sea.
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- Author Leigh Bardugo
Everything in him recoiled. The water was cold against his legs. His body had gone numb and yet he could still feel the wet give of his brother's rotting flesh beneath his hands. It's shame that eats men whole. He was drowning in it. Drowning in the Ketterdam harbor. His eyes blurred. "It isn't easy for me either." Her voice, low and steady, the voice that had once led him back from hell.
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- Author Leigh Bardugo
Inej frowned. “I thought you and Nina chose four outbreak sites on the Staves.”Kaz straightened his cuffs. “I also had her stop at the Menagerie.”She smiled then, her eyes red, her cheeks scattered with some kind of dust. It was a smile he thought he might die to earn again.
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