396 Quotes About Infinity
- Author Grant Morrison
The interior of our skulls contains a portal to infinity.
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- Author Anam Thubten
Paradise is not some kind of enchanted land filled with flowers and music. It is not some kind of spiritual Disneyland. Paradise is our primordial pure consciousness, which is free of all limitations but embodies the infinity of the divine.
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- Author Ilyas Kassam
we are finite, in that we are a product and source of the infinite.
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- Author Sorin Cerin
Only in the eyes of love you can find infinity.
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- Author Matt Haig
You are only limited by your imagination
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- Author Vladimir Hlocky
In a weathered closet, I saw a universe of irredeemable beauty. My eyes misted over in joy; hardly could I hold the rivers back. A galactic invitation stood in my room.
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- Author Grigoris Deoudis
Death is a part of Life, they are dancing together the dance of infinity in front of the gates of Time. We can live our dreams as we are dreaming our future. Time is the Endless Consciousness
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- Author Jenny Sampirisi
You're all incredibly thoughtful souls who keep my head attached to my body.
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- Author Iain Cameron Williams
Infinity is as far as your imagination stretches, and then some.' Iain Cameron Williams, 2018
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