580 Quotes About Inspirational-living
- Author Derek Bell
Those who have nothing give everything and those who have everything give nothing.
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- Author jasmine lozano
it doesn't matter what others think or say it just matters what you do
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- Author WN Stanley
Gaining knowledge without wisdom is like reaching heaven and never entering the gates.
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- Author Kanwar Dhillon
Friendship make me feel this world is loving place to stay and have known the pain of missing this wonderful gift.
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- Author Neil E. Clement
It is far more difficult to ask the right question than it is to find the correct answer.
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- Author rai ali hassnain
dont wait for the perfect moment just take the moment and make it perfect
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- Author Nelson Mandela
People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite... Man's goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.
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- Author C. JoyBell C.
I don't understand why people care so much about showing that they are good; because I am rather comfortable with having badness, quite okay with being inexplicable. They tire themselves so. The light is beautiful; but light can't hide treasures like the darkness can.
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- Author Ahmad Rifa'i Rif'an
Kalau bukan untuk bermanfaat, lalu buat apa kita hidup? Hidup sekali, berarti, lalu mati.
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