438 Quotes About Instagram
- Author Michael Eaborn
The Correct Answer,When Asked As Kids What You Wanted To Be When You Grow Up, Is To Grow Up To Be Yourself!
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- Author Sahndra Fon Dufe
In the future,Instagram will be seen as an antiquity. Anyone remember Hi-5 or Myspace?Know then know life constantly evolves. So, lift your eyes off your phoneand be present with the only part of evolution that would always stay with you: YOURSELF.
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- Author Sara Betancur - No compres seguidores - Página 16
La mujer que les escribe hizo su tesis universitaria sobre el storytelling en la era digital y recuerda una frase muy bonito que quiere compartir: "Las historias nos atraen porque son inherentes a nosotros. Componen nuestro inconsciente. Pónganse a pensar: soñamos en historias no en conceptos".
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- Author Soroosh Shahrivar
Leave the grim, follow me. And take my hand; Let's make an eternal meme like a Murad Osman pic on Instagram.
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- Author Carla Laureano
Her Instagram feed filled up with gorgeous photos of her creations displayed alongside books, some of their links tenuous at best. Double chocolate cookies made with huge chunks of Valrhona chocolate found their American-Parisian mash-up reference in Alcott's Little Women. Currant cinnamon rolls as big as a baby's head were paired with The Secret Garden. Her lemon-blueberry muffins posed alongside a favorite childhood picture book, Blueberries For Sal.
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- Author loren weisman
When you sign up for Instagram, you are agreeing to their terms of service. When you put content up, you agree that while you own the content you are giving them rights to it as well. This did not go into effect recently. This is common place for many social sites. And you can not post a picture with a statement saying that you do not agree to the agreement you have already agreed to by using the site.
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- Author Nitya Prakash
Met a girl at Starbucks who ordered a coffee and didn't Instagram it. The alien invasion has started, I guess.
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- Author Martijn Benders
Dat moment dat je dochter je begint te volgen op instagram, en je denkt, fuck, ik doe niks op instagram. Misschien moet ik iets op instagram gaan doen anders volgt ze me voor niks.
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- Author Kevin J. Donaldson
When you have a business, you don’t use Instagram as your primary selling storefront. That’s what your website is for. Instead, your Instagram profile is meant to drum up interest for your business, gather followers, and direct them to your website to learn more.
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