520 Quotes About Intellect

  • Author Ashavan
  • Quote

    Do not let your intellect steer you away from what your eyes have seen. Neither should you let it deny what your higher powers have perceived.

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  • Author Maryam Abdullah Alnaymi
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    Neglecting criticizing the ideas and putting them on the knowledge scale, pushes the person towards a dead end tunnel; it has no way out except revising the self, and discovering the big holes in the concepts compilation that needs filtering and sorting since the limited intellect accepted them neglecting their faults,mistakes, ineffectiveness and lack of validity.

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  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    Does a cat not get its food on time? Whereas these people say, "My business is ruined. Now, what will become of me?" The cat gets milk and bread (to eat) on time. Whereas these humans fret, 'What will we do if we do not get milk?' The moment the intellect is used, things get ruined!

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  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    Dehadhyas (the belief that ‘I am the body’) does not leave without [the grace of] the Gnani Purush (the Self-realized One, who can help others realize the Self). The Gnani Purush is vitaraag (one who is free from all attachment). He constantly remains in Swa-parinati (the natural state of the Self). The Gnani Purush does not remain [engrossed] in the body, mind, intellect or ego. That is why only the Gnani Purush can free us from our belief that 'I am the body.

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  • Author Osho
  • Quote

    Intellect can be helpful, but it needs consciousness to be its master; otherwise it can behave in a very stupid way. It can misunderstand things, it can misrepresent things. It needs a master to guide it, to give it a sense of direction. That master is your being.

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