522 Quotes About Interest
"One needs to pursue some sort of a creative interest in order to keep life from eating us alive."
"Raymond expected them to ask why he wanted to know, or who this Luis Velez was to him. Something that showed an interest, or a connection. Then, a moment later, he wondered why he had expected it. After all these years."
"[There is an] immense advantage to be gained by ample space and appropriate surroundings in aiding the formation of a just idea of the beauty and interest of each specimen... Nothing detracts so much from the enjoyment ... from a visit to a museum as the overcrowding of the specimens exhibited."
"There is enough work for everyone. May you find your purpose and passionately live it."
"Passion is different from interest. Those who are just interested in things have the “wish”, but passionate people have the “will”."
"Habitual excuses for inactivity indicates little or no interest in what one ought to have done."
"Refuse to be isolated. Your accomplishments are patronized by people who would get interest in them. When you don’t get connected, how will you get to know those people?"