30 Quotes About Isobel

  • Author Eileen Cook
  • Quote

    Your dad does like you. In fact, he wants to protect you from me. He told me to not bother trying to get my claws into you and drag you down to my level.Bother. Definitely bother. I like the idea of you getting your claws into me.

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  • Author Kelly Creagh
  • Quote

    Sleep now a little whileTill within our dreams we wakeUnfolding our ForeverIf only for Never’s sake And take me to your ever afterLet’s hide behind our eyesTogether pour through that doorWhere autumn never diesAnd I’ll sift my sands to your sideBefore we slip awayBefore we’re little more than siltBeneath the rocking waves And side by side we’ll fight the tideThat sweeps in to take us downAnd hand in hand we’ll both withstandEven as we drown.

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  • Author Kelly Creagh
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    He clutched the watch hard in his fist, determined to destroy it, to prove that it couldn't be real. That she hadn't come here because of him, for him.That he hadn't done what he knew he had.

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  • Author Eileen Cook
  • Quote

    Personally, I felt pretty safe. Librarians are like priests. You can tell them you want information on just about any subject and they never look at you weird. It's like a rule or something. I figured even in a small town like this, my question wouldn't be the strangest one the librarian had heard. I didn't know if librarians had any sort of official privacy code, but I was counting on confidence. They're not big talkers. It comes from being forced to be quiet all the time.

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  • Author Erin Morgenstern
  • Quote

    I read for someone a week ago,” she says. “He was young, younger than I was when I met you. Tall in the way of someone who is not yet used to being tall.

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  • Author Kelly Creagh
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    Oh, sure. Let me just ask my geek brother to stop slaying zombie ninjas for a few hours so I can borrow the PC and catch up on my Victorian horror lit.

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  • Author Kelly Creagh
  • Quote

    Besides," Gwen added, fluffing the dress folds, "this thing took forever, so you're wearing it.""Wait you made this?" Isobel asked, distracted."Altered it," she admitted. She shrugged. "Half off at the Nearly New Shop. By the way, you owe me twenty-five dollars.

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  • Author Kelly Creagh
  • Quote

    You think you're different.” Her voice wavered, and she hated sounding so weak. “You think you're all so different,” she went on, louder this time. “You do everything to be different,” she spat. The silence of the table -of the whole cafeteria- was reclaimed in an instant. "But you're not," she said at last. "You are just like every. Body. Else

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