292 Quotes About It
- Author James C. Dobson
31. The human body seems indestructible when we are young. However, it is incredibly fragile and must be care for if it is to serve us for a lifetime. Too often, the abuse it takes during early years (from drugs, improper nutrition, sporting injuries, etc.) becomes painful handicaps during later years.
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- Author Deyth Banger
...So to be fast to don't be long and to try to be short... If you want to play the best game, create it - make the rules, make what they will do... That's how I do it. I make people to play my games and then often loooose!
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- Author Amit Kalantri
Software testing is a sport like hunting, it's bughunting.
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- Author Deyth Banger
What are the differences between me and you, I stand up and continue you just stay down and don't move and you think that nobody will touch. But when you are down, you always easy to be attacked - You will find down "IT" :D :D
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- Author Stephen King
Eddie discovered one of his childhood's great truths. Grownups are the real monsters, he thought.
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- Author Nipun Varma
Proof of concept or POC is the art of winning a ship-building contract by showing the working model of a paper boat
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- Author Stephen King
Seven, Richie thought. That's the magic number. There has to be seven of us. That's the way it's supposed to be.
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- Author Deyth Banger
I still ask myself why did you watched the film Paranormal Activity the all parts or the film "The VIsit" 2015. Both were home made and not big deal even stupid, you even watch football + you play one game over and over and over, you play stupid games + you watch stupid stuff and after all you still ask yourself why you are stupid. The answer is somewhere here, search it!
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- Author Deyth Banger
You lost your son, but reality he is alive, my father I lost him I know on 99% he is dead if this is faken okay, I will know that he is alive, but who knows?? I haven't met him after I lost him, you met your son didn't you?? And then you lost him, it sounds fair does it?? (Storm Of The Century by Stephen King)
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