42 Quotes About James-joyce
- Author Leonard Cohen
That paragraph. It’s not the work of an author, but maybe five lines. It’s those five lines that will get me reluctantly to explore the rest of the guy’s work. But that paragraph I’ve never forgotten. There’s that paragraph ‘Snow was general all over Ireland.’ It described the snow. It’s Montreal. It’s our snow, our black iron gates in Montreal. It was perfect.
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- Author Edward T. Hall
The spoken language is a symbolization of something that happened, could have happened, or is in the process of happening, while the written language is a symbolization of the spoken language. James Joyce, for example, dedicated his life to trying to close the gap between the two systems. In Finnegans Wake, Joyce portrays in writing the workings of the verbal parts of the brain.
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- Author Nora Barnacle
I go to bed and then that man sits in the next room and continues laughing about his own writing. And then I knock at the door, and I say, now Jim, stop writing or stop laughing.
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- Author José María Valverde
Para nosotros, que tomamos la literatura como cosa visual, cada vez más insensibles y más desmemoriados ante el sonido verbal, Joyce es un escritor de otro tiempo. Para leerlo no nos basta con su traducción, tendríamos que volver a la época en que el lenguaje vivía en la boca, en el oído y en el recuerdo.
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- Author James Joyce
Pe treptele îndepărtate ale altarului cel mare, gol precum trupul domnului, preoții zac prosternați în șoptită rugăciune(...) Ea stă în picioare lângă mine, palidă și rece, înveșmântată în umbrelele naosului negru ca păcatul, cu cotul fragil la brațul meu (...)Îi văd ochii întunecați și plini de suferință, frumoși ca ochii unei antilope. O, rană nemiloasă! Dumnezeu libidinos!
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- Author James Joyce
Tineretea are un sfârsit: sfârșitul e aici. Nu va mai fi niciodată. O știi prea bine. Și atunci? Scrie-o, blestematule, scrie-o! La ce altceva ești bun?
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