129 Quotes About Jane-eyre
- Author Charlotte Brontë
I desired liberty; for liberty I gasped; for liberty I uttered a prayer; it seemed scattered on the wind then faintly blowing. I abandoned it and framed a humbler supplication. For change, stimulus. That petition, too, seemed swept off into vague space. "Then," I cried, half desperate, "grant me at least a new servitude!
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
I tired of the routine of eight years in one afternoon.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
I laughed at him as he said this. “I am not an angel,” I asserted; “and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself. Mr. Rochester, you must neither expect nor exact anything celestial of me—for you will not get it, any more than I shall get it of you: which I do not at all anticipate.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
Genius is said to be self-conscious[,]
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
No; you shall tear yourself away, none shall help you: you shall yourself pluck out your right eye: yourself cut off your right hand: your heart shall be the victim, and you the priest to transfix it.
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- Author Cynthia Hand
Mr. Rochester grunted. "Miss Eyre, listen to me. I believe there is a string below your rib, and it stretches across class and age to me, and it is attached beneath my rib. And if you find another suitable position, and leave me, you will pull it out. And I will bleed.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
Yet it would be your duty to bear it, if you could not avoid it: it is weak and silly to say you cannot bear what it is your fate to be required to bear.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
the horizon bounded by a propitious sky, azure, marbled with pearly white.
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- Author Charlotte Brontë
It is vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility; they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
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