33 Quotes About Japanese-culture
"There is no geometry here; or rather there is a secret, infinitely non-Eucledian and subtle geometry, a secret harmony that the mind seizes before the intelligence."
"We hope that general readers with an interest in Japan will find in these accounts of fieldwork a wide spectrum of illustrations of the grassroots realities of everyday life in contemporary Japanese communities, companies, institutions, and social movements."
"But it speaks for an inner world— and again this is evident in Murakami— that sits in a different dimension from the smooth-running, flawlessly attentive, and all but anonymous machine that keeps public order moving forward so efficiently in Japan."
"This reticence has little to do with trying to protect oneself and everything to do with trying to protect others from one’s problems, which shouldn’t be theirs; it’s one reason Japan is so confounding to foreigners, as its people faultlessly sparkle and attend to one another in in public, while often seeming passive and unconvinced of their ability to do anything decisive at home."
"In Giappone poi, che in qualche modo, anclhe nella maniera meno diretta, rappresenta lo stato, quindi l'imperatore , è investito in maniera maggiore o minore d'un carattere nettamente numinoso. Dinnanzi a lui ci si inchina profondamente, passandogli vicino si guarda per terra, magari tirando su col fiato con quel caratteristico sibilo che indica imbarazzo e reverenza, definito da Pierre Loti “un sifflement de vipère”."