83 Quotes About Journaling
- Author Jack Kerouac
And there's my poor endeavoring human desk at which I sit so often during the day, facing south, the papers and pencils and the coffee cup with sprigs of alpine fir and a weird orchid of the heights wiltable in one day– My Beechnut gum, my tobacco pouch, dusts, pitiful pulp magazines I have to read, view south to all those snowy majesties– The waiting is long.On Starvation Ridgelittle sticksAre trying to grow.
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- Author Carolyn V. Hamilton
Documenting little details of your everyday life becomes a celebration of who you are.
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- Author Melissa Steginus
Journaling is a great way to pay attention to “how it all came to be.” In looking back, you gain insight into (and appreciation for) your challenges, lessons, and perseverance.
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- Author Lorraine Nilon
Contemplation cultivates an inner connection, an awareness of yourself.I don’t mean your emotional self; I mean the part of you hidden beneath your emotional baggage—your soul’s consciousness.
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- Author Sandra Marinella
When I look back on my personal story through my journals, it struck me my words had an unmatched power to heal me. To change me.
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- Author Dorothy L. Sayers
She had her image… and anything added to that would be mere verse-making. Something might come of it some day. In the meanwhile she had got her mood on to paper—and this is the release that all writers, even the feeblest, seek for as men seek for love; and, having found it, they doze off happily into dreams and trouble their hearts no further.
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- Author Matthew Trinetti
[Why write?]It’s being able to look at my stack of weathered notebooks and know that I’ve created something, just for the sake of it. For the sake of remembering that I am a human and therefore can create. And that when faced with the choice to either create or not create — I went forth and created.
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- Author Paul C. Nagel
The young John Quincy Adams begins it lifelong habit of keeping a journal with reluctance that he might one day have to read it. He hopes, though, that the flaws in his earlier entries will be balanced by the progress he is able to see.
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- Author Michael Finkel
Not for a moment did he consider keeping a journal. He would never allow anyone to read his private thoughts; therefore, he did not risk writing them down. "I'd rather take it to my grave," he said. And anyway, when was a journal ever honest? "It either tells a lot of truths to cover a single lie, " he said, "or a lot of lies to cover a single truth.
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