89 Quotes About Journalist
- Author Mehmet Murat ildan
When a state is afraid of the journalists, it means that that state is definitely doing some secret devilish things!
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- Author Sierra Avalon
Watching Nic Rayne strut around the stage half-naked like some absurd peacock is enough to make me gag.
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- Author Sierra Avalon
Once you're his, you're his forever.
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- Author Birgit Von Schondorf
VW used to mean FAHRVERGNUGEN and now it's FARFROMUNION!Birgit Von Schondorf
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- Author Rius
A philosopher and honest journalist? Does he plan to die of hunger?
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- Author Israelmore Ayivor
You need to know the constituency you belong to...and that is revealed by your constituents. When your constituents are speaking in public and making of stories, your constituency can be "journalism".
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- Author Gwenda Bond
I imagined it was far better to be optimistic, to proceed assuming wherever you could that you had cared enough, that you'd made a difference, that you would again. Dwelling on the worst was no way to live.
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- Author Malcolm Lowry
In the war to come correspondents would assume unheard of importance, plunging through flame to feed the public its little gobbets of dehydrated excrement.
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- Author Rainbow Rowell
I don't care if they are reading our mail. Bring it on, Tron! I dare you. Try to take away my freedom of expression. I'm a journalist. A free-speech warrior. I serve in the Army of the First Amendment. I didn't take this job for the bad money, and the regressive health care coverage. I'm here for the truth, the sunshine, the casting open of closed doors!
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