4,580 Quotes About Joy

  • Author Shan Sa
  • Quote

    Ich habe zu viel vom Leben erwartet, ich dachte, es wäre mir Glück und Heiterkeit schuldig. In Wirklichkeit bietet das Leben weder das Gute noch das Böse. Das Glück ist eine Frucht, die man in einer Seele anbaut und erntet. Man kann sie nicht von außen erlangen. Warum sollte ich verdrossen sein wie ein Kind, das kein Geschenk bekommen hat? Ich habe Jahre vor mir, um glücklich zu sein!

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  • Author Shan Sa
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    Today I finally recognise the mistake that almost became my downfall: I expected too much out of life. I thought it would owe me happiness and cheerfulness. In fact, life offers neither good nor evil. Happiness is a fruit you cultivate and harvest inside your soul. You can not receive it from the outside. Why should I be fretful like a child that has got no gift? I have years ahead to be happy.

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  • Author Karen Ranney
  • Quote

    Until she'd known him she'd never experienced sorcery. Never known what it was like to feel passion. For the sheer blinding alchemy of that she would be forever grateful. But being with him was oddly more. It was the taste of an orange, the smell of a rose, the touch of the first spring raindrop expanded and multiplied and folded over itself. The meaning, perhaps, of joy.

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  • Author Rob Kozak
  • Quote

    I am a proud father in the accomplishments of my son, who fills my heart with joy and my mind with favourable wonderings. He enhances my purpose on this wondrous planet. Parents, be aware that not only are you a model for your children, but in some fashions they are models for you— taking life easy, with a spirit of adventure. Encourage your kids to be kids!

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  • Author Marty Rubin
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    People think in such grand terms-unconditional love, changing the world, doing the impossible. They fail to see the joy, the immense bliss, which lies in simple everyday acts.

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