159 Quotes About Joyful-living-101
- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
I choose to love more and more every day.
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- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
Emotional safety is feeling internally secure and confident in your life.
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- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
My spirit is joyful, and I love my higher self. I am my higher self.
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- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
Your true self is a boundless spiritual being. You are spirit in body.
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- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
I connect with the world of flora and experience the bliss of that connection!
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- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
Flowers, trees, and leaves are all gorgeous expressions of nature’s innate joy. Notice the bounty surrounding you.
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- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
Your life is awash in waves of love in each moment. Open your eyes to the currents around you and bathe in the bliss.
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- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
I am powerful in my love for myself. My inner essence sparkles with bliss.
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- Author Amy Leigh Mercree
Celebration and laughter are two of the richest gifts of life.
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