101 Quotes About Kashmir

  • Author Heidi Heilig
  • Quote

    I glared at him. “I wish you’d stay out of my room.”“That’s a funny joke, princess, when you’re talking to a thief.

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  • Author Tarif Naaz
  • Quote

    Sheikh Abdullah held an unrivaled place in the history of Kashmir and in the historic transition from tradition to modernity. He left an indelible impact on the political landscape of Kashmir. He was a Charismatic leader having a magnetic quality to change the mood of the public and drove them in the direction he desired.

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  • Author Heidi Heilig
  • Quote

    But even if the captain rewrites his own history, how could it affect your reality? I’m from a place you call a fairy tale, and I’m still here.” "But . . . the Vaadi Al-Maas was real once. People believed in it.” "I believe in you. Simple enough, right?” His smile was heartbreaking.

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  • Author Heidi Heilig
  • Quote

    If you could go anywhere, where would you want to go?” “Could we find a map of someplace perfect?”“Like paradise?” I asked, teasing. “Here? No.” He stared upward, the first stars shining in his eyes. “A better place. Someplace where nothing goes wrong. There must be a myth like that somewhere.” I bit my lip; my shoulders fell. “Navigation involves the beliefs of the Navigator and the mapmaker. And I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who truly believes in a world without suffering.

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  • Author Heidi Heilig
  • Quote

    Jesus, Dad,” I said as people stared. “Someone will rob you.”The captain laughed. “Yeah.” He jerked his chin toward Kash. “Him.

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  • Author Heidi Heilig
  • Quote

    And what of the memories Nix had claimed to have? The memories I was missing? Was my mind so malleable a stranger could change it? Were all of my thoughts now suspect? The wounds and the wonders I’d carried from my youth—the dreams and desires I’d fostered for my future . . . the love and longing for the girl who’d stolen my heart?

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  • Author Heidi Heilig
  • Quote

    Where are you going?” "Out. Like you.” He raised an eyebrow, but he didn’t press for more information. "One should always make one’s own mistakes, instead of the mistakes of others, amira.” "Out like me, then.

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  • Author Heidi Heilig
  • Quote

    I never knew you had such a fine eye for fabrics,” I said as we continued up the street. “You should have been a tailor instead of a thief.”“I have a fine eye for all things, amira, which is why I’m a thief and not a tailor.

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  • Author Arundhati Roy
  • Quote

    TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN'begum Dil Afroze was a well-known opportunist who believed, quite literally, in changing with the times. When the Movement seemed to be on the up and up, she would set the time on her wristwatch half an hour ahead to Pakistan Standard Time. When the Occupation regained its grip she would reset it to Indian Standard Time. In the Valley the saying went, 'Begum Dil Afroze's watch isn't really a watch, it's a newspaper. Q 1: What is the moral of the story?

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