725 Quotes About Kindlehighlight
- Author Ian McEwan
Or he was simply pretending—like many drinkers, he liked to think each new day drew a line under the day before.
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- Author Walter Martin
By the term cult I mean nothing derogatory to any group so classified. A cult, as I define it, is any religious group which differs significantly in one or more respects as to belief or practice from those religious groups which are regarded as the normative expressions of religion in our total culture.
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- Author Walter Martin
Within the theological structure of the cults there is considerable truth, all of which, it might be added, is drawn from biblical sources, but so diluted with human error as to be more deadly than complete falsehood.
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- Author Thomas Frank
We’re all free agents in this noncoercive class system, and Brooks eventually concludes that worrying about the problems faced by workers is yet another deluded affectation of the blue-state rich.
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- Author Thomas Frank
he saw in Populism the first glimmerings of some of the great intellectual upheavals of the twentieth century—naturalism, muckraking, and hard-hitting social satire—which would eventually topple the genteel tradition of the nineteenth century. In a peculiar way, Parrington seemed to think, Kansas was one of the birthplaces of literary modernism.
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- Author John Zogby
AN IMPERIALIST POWER THAT ACTS ON ITS OWN REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE REST OF THE WORLD THINKS. 18–29 30–49 50–64 65+ Improper/Somewhat improper 86% 73 69 67 Somewhat proper/Proper 3 13 20 17 No other group we studied—not Democrats generally, not self-described progressives or libertarians, not readers of The New York Times—had a greater spread between the two extremes.
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- Author John Zogby
four meta-movements that separately and together are redefining the American dream: living with limits, embracing diversity, looking inward, and demanding authenticity.
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- Author Judy Lohman
Hebben katholieken ook niet een veel prettiger leven? In ieder geval een stuk luchtiger en onbezorgder. Aflaatjes, biechten, weesgegroetjes en een mens kan zonder schuldgevoel weer verder zondigen.
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- Author Neal Stephenson
How slow can a mammal be and still have respiratory functions?
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