34 Quotes About Korean-war

  • Author Hwang Sŏk-yŏng
  • Quote

    People hated and killed each other back then. Now even those who survived are dying, leaving this world one by one. Unless we find a way to forgive one another, none of us will ever be able to see each other again. (2007: 88)

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  • Author Harry S. Truman
  • Quote

    In my generation, this was not the first occasion when the strong had attacked the weak. [...] Communism was acting in Korea just as Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese had acted ten, fifteen, and twenty years earlier. I felt certain that if South Korea was allowed to fall, communist leaders would be emboldened to override nations closer to our own shores.

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  • Author Gen. Walton Walker
  • Quote

    A retreat to Pusan would be one of the greatest bloodbaths in American history. We must fight until the end…. If some of us must die, we will die fighting together. Any man who gives ground may be personally responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of his comrades. I want everybody to understand that we are going to hold this line. We are going to win.

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  • Author Hwang Sŏk-yŏng
  • Quote

    I suppose the time is ripe for them now, for the people who were there. They're ready now, I think. So... they appear before us as part of their redemption.""But you and I, we weren't to blame, were we?"Suddenly slamming his thick palm down on the table, Uncle Some shouted, "Show me one soul who wasn't to blame!" (2007: 162)

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  • Author C.S. Crawford
  • Quote

    We had it drilled into us time and time again: 'If someone above you falls, grip tightly to the vertical rope and cradle that person in your arms until help can get to you.'...If someone fell down on me I swear I would have bitten him on the ass and would keep on biting until he got off onhis own.

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