92 Quotes About Kotlc

  • Author Shannon Messenger
  • Quote

    She pulled her shoulder-length blond hair around her face, wishing she could hide behind it. This is exactly the kind of attention she went out of her way to avoid. Why she wore dull colors and lurked in the back, blocked by the other kids who were at least a foot taller than her. It was the only way to survive as a twelve year old in high school.

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  • Author Shannon Messenger
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    And you get to bathe the verminion for the next month,” Grady added.Sophie groaned. She swore the giant mutant-hamster-thing had been plotting to destroy her since she’d helped trap it when it arrived at Havenfield. “That’s just mean.”“No, that’s awesome,” Dex corrected.“Glad you think so, Dex,” Grady told him, “ ’Cause you get to help her.”“Hey—I didn’t do anything wrong!”“I never said you did. But do you really think Sophie will let you just stand there and watch her work?

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