119 Quotes About Labour
"If the proletariat came to power, it could draw from Bernstein's theory the following 'practical' conclusion: to go to sleep."
"But on analysis of this concept it becomes clear that though private property appears to be the source, the cause of alienated labour, it is really the consequence, just as the gods in the beginning are not the cause but the effect of man's intellectual confusion. Later this relationship becomes reciprocal."
"On her lips, which were dry, was a new shade of lipstick, by Tussy; her doctor had ordered her to put on lipstick and powder right in the middle of labour; he and Sloan both thought it was important for a maternity patient to keep herself up to the mark."
"And these, all labouring for a lord,Eat not the fruit of their own hands:Which is the heaviest of all plagues,To that man's mind, who understands.- The Sick King in Bokhara"
"Let us labour diligently in love"