3,047 Quotes About Law
- Author Steven Magee
In high altitude astronomy, it is time for the old guard to be replaced with new blood that fully understands the law, health and safety, and the full range of toxicity that astronomical observatories present to their workers.
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- Author Glenn Greenwald
Bush violated FISA [...] because he wanted to violate the law in order to establish the general 'principle' that he was not bound by the law, to show that he has the power to break the law, that he is more powerful than the law.
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- Author Robert Farrar Capon
...there is therefore now no condemnation for two reasons: you are dead now; and God, as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, has been dead all along. The blame game was over before it started. It really was. All Jesus did was announce that truth and tell you it would make you free. It was admittedly a dangerous thing to do. You are a menace. Be he did it; and therefore, menace or not, here you stand: uncondemned, forever, now. What are you going to do with your freedom?
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- Author Jack McCoy
Man is guaranteed only those rights which he can defend.
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- Author John Frohnmayer
The White House usually followed the seagull theory of management: fly in, squawk and flap and shit, and fly away.
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- Author Aleister Crowley
In brief, we govern by a mixture of lying and bullying.
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- Author Aleister Crowley
Fascism must always fail because it creates the discontent which it is designed to suppress.
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- Author Aleister Crowley
In brief, we govern by a mixture of lying and bullying." ---(From the pamphlet: The Scientific Solution of the Problem of Government.)
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- Author Aleister Crowley
Fascism must always fail because it creates the discontent which it is designed to suppress." (Crowley quote from book Do What Thou Wilt: A Life of Aleister Crowley, by Lawrence Sutin.)
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