215 Quotes About Lawyers

  • Author Joyce Carol Oates
  • Quote

    A lawyer is basically a mouth, like a shark is a mouth attached to a long gut. The business of lawyers is to talk, to interrupt one another, and to devour each other if possible.

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  • Author John Grisham
  • Quote

    But [Stanley Wade] instead removed his glasses and wiped his eyes. They were moist not from fear but from the harsh reality of being confronted by one of his victims. How many others were out there? Why had he chosen to spend his career screwing these people?~from "Michael's Room"~

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  • Author Terry Pratchett
  • Quote

    [The clerk] held in front of him a scroll with a red wax seal affixed, the kind of thing believed to make a document official - or at least expensive and difficult to understand, which, in fact, amounts to the same thing.

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  • Author Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński
  • Quote

    Ot, schodzi się kilku poważnych — och, jak poważnych! — panów, którzy, wchodząc do sali obrad, starają się pilnie zapomnieć o tym, że są ludźmi, że tam, za oknami gabinetu, huczy i pędzi życie, że to, co oni piszą na papierze, to jest pisane na ludzkiej skórze, że to, co dla nich jest przedmiotem kontrowersji prawniczej, jest dla innych nieraz kwestią życia i śmierci. I pichcą sobie od niechcenia te prawa, a to co oni upichcą, w tym potem męczą się całe pokolenia.

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  • Author Rebecca Serle
  • Quote

    I love the order of deal making, the clarity oof language--how there is little room for interpretation and none for error. I love the black-and-white terms.

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  • Author Paul Collier
  • Quote

    What is true of asset managers is true of lawyers. Willem Buiter, former Chief Economist for Citigroup, puts it aptly: the first third of lawyers produce the immense social value we know as the 'rule of law'. The next third are working on legal disputes that are essentially zero-sum games: each side over-invests in winning the tournament and so they are socially useless....The final third of lawyers are socially predatory: they are employed in the legal scams that fleece the productive.

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