763 Quotes About Leadership-development
"I believe in what you see is what you get, but I also believe in what you see is getting better!"
"There can never be someone greater at being you than you."
"True leaders demonstrate initiatives-They lead the way for others to follow"
"A crisp, clean $100 bill that is crumbled up, thrown to the ground, stepped on and rubbed in the dirt still maintains its value.Life may crumble you, throw you to the ground, step on you and rub you in the dirt, but you still maintain your value.Just as a crumbled up $100 bill still has purchasing power, your life still has purposeful power; and nothing or no one can ever take that away from you."
"The Joseph in you must rise to the challenges of life and turn them into gold"
"Risk is one of the qualities of any good decision. This is so because, decision itself is a risk. Therefore, making a decision literally means, taking a risk... In tracing the histories of successful men and women, the first thing to notice in their lives is risk."
"Eagles do fly alone but feed their families."
"when u have concepts(revelation) the way u live changes"
"Attempting the impossibility with a possibility God breaks the impossibility barriers."