25 Quotes About Learning-the-truth
- Author مصطفى السباعي
لو كان العقل على قدر كلام الرجل، لكان الثرثار أكبر الناس عقلاً، ولو كان العلم على قدر حفظ المسائل لكان التلميذ أوسع من أستاذه علماً، ولو كان الجاه على قدر الفضائل لما كان للأشرار نفوذ، ولو كان المال على قدر العقل لكان أغنى الناس الحكماء، وأفقر الناس السفهاء، ولو كان الخلود على قدر نفع الناس لما خلد السفاحون والطغاة وأكثر الملوك والزعماء.
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- Author LDarnell
Questioning authority doesn't make you resistant; who should follow blindly without knowing the destination
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- Author Ted Hughes
And that's how we measure out our real respect for people—by the degree of feeling they can register, the voltage of life they can carry and tolerate—and enjoy. End of sermon. As Buddha says: live like a mighty river. And as the old Greeks said: live as though all your ancestors were living again through you.
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- Author Lailah Gifty Akita
Nobody knows it all. You must keep learning.
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- Author Jay Woodman
We attract what we're meant to because we're aware & self-empowered enough to choose most of the time. Other times we have lessons to learn
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- Author T Jay Taylor
Today I speak the truth as I know it to be, tomorrow I may know better.
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- Author Auliq Ice
Victory is not possible, if one doesn't learn from the past and mistakes made.
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- Author Graeme Ball
Learning is Lifelong
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- Author Geoffrey Chaucer
Yet do not miss the moral, my good men.For Saint Paul says that all that’s written wellIs written down some useful truth to tell.Then take the wheat and let the chaff lie still.
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