76 Quotes About Lesbians


"LESBIANS are women who prefer their own ways to male ways.LESBIANS prefer the convoluting halls of sensuality to direct goal-pursuing mores. LESBIANS have made a small world deep within and separated from the world.What has usually been called the world is the male world."


"So you want to fall in love? You probably will soon, and if you do, enjoy it, it’s harder later on."


"On several occasions she'd half jokingly maybe quarter jokingly, told me she was glad I was gay if only because it meant no boyfriend or husband of mine would ever murder me. What a relief."


"Para que no se me olviden las lesbianas. / So that I don't forget the lesbians."


"If you wanted lesbians to come to a discussion, too, it might be better not to call your group the Gay Men’s Group."


"Where are the lesbians tonight, then?’ Alan said. ‘Why are we talking about them when they’re not interested enough to come to the discussion?’‘They’re separatismed,’ Duncan said."


"Pussy, it's the breakfast of champions."


"I imagined a book that was both written and curated. I wanted readers to see my research, to explore the archival mix, connect with the material, and draw their own conclusions."


"She just kept staring at her," she lamented. "Like I wasn't even there."..."The trouble with lesbian love triangles is you can't tell which 'she' and which 'her' we're talking about."
