375 Quotes About Lesson
- Author Cher Lloyd
If you've got a dream, there is no one out there to stop you,from achieving it.
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- Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Quando te sentires com vontade de criticar alguém, lembra-te disto: nem todos tiveram neste mundo as vantagens que tu tiveste.
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- Author Habeeb Akande
In university, we are given a taught a lesson then given a test. Whereas in life, we are given a test that teaches us a lesson. #UniversityOfLife
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- Author K.K. Cook
Be weary of the unknown inside of every human being, but do not fear it, embrace it.
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
One thing of great importance can affect a small number of people. Equally so, a thing of little importance can affect a multitude. Either way, a happening — big or small — can affect an entire string of people. Occurences can join us all together.
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- Author Rizqiyyah Yasmin
terkadang saat berada di titik terendah aku berharap ada dia disampingku ... dan kini Allah masih menyimpannya, tapi aku bersyukur ternyata Allah memberikan kesempatan untuk aku memahami bahwa ada mereka yang selalu menemani hari, semoga kalian disana selalu dalam lindungan Allah dan diberikan yang terbaik untuk kita semua amin, suatu hadiah abstrak yang aku hadirkan untukmu adalah sebuah doa dan rasa syukurku pada-Nya :
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- Author John Corwin
Ready for your first lesson, cupcake?
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- Author Amaya Ellman
You have to know your own mind inside out before you can know the minds of others.
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- Author Habeeb Akande
A setback is a lesson to push you forward.
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