443 Quotes About Let-go


"They were not more magical than you; they were just less distracted by nonsense. Decide on the life you want and focus on the people and actions that help you build it. Distractions don’t get us anywhere…they produce motion, but not progress. Let go of the distracting nonsense and watch the magic in your life flow."


"If a good thing is going out of your life despite all your efforts, don’t cling to it otherwise you will miss the better things coming your way.If a bad thing is staying in your life despite all your efforts, let it stay for some more time. It is probably stopping a worse thing from coming in and taking its place."


"Breathing out is as important as breathing in. You have to let go of some things so that their fresh version can enter in your life."


"You drop your heavy luggage at departure airport and pick it up at your arrival airport. Being possessive about things and people will only deny you entry into flights of life. Trust the higher powers. What is yours will remain yours."


"Let go of things just like you let go of your phone at service center. Everything is under universal warranty. The universe can repair or replace anything."


"You'll drive yourself crazy trying to control something that isn't yours to control. Let go. Free yourself. Allow your mind and energy to focus on something positive… to build something beautiful."


"Cutting out drama... Healthy mind and body choices... Intent followed by action... Keeping real friends and letting go of the pretends... Livin' clean for Twenty Seventeen!"
