443 Quotes About Let-go


"When we give over our (false sense of) control, and just allow, each change and each new experience becomes less of a worry and more of an exciting new adventure. It can be likened to awaiting Christmas (or birthday) morning as a child: Anticipation of unwrapping a beautiful new gift."


"Many times, success begins when we leave our comfort zone."


"Each wave that rolls onto the shore must release back to the ocean. You are the same. Each wave of action you take must release back to the peace within you. Stress is what happens when you resist this natural process. Everyone needs breaks. Denying this necessity does not remove it. Let yourself go. Realize that, sometimes, the best thing to do is absolutely nothing."


"Sometimes you cry about things you thought you were over. That’s normal. Healing doesn’t follow a checklist; it’s a process. You’re not a robot. Trauma embeds itself into the genetic fiber of our being. So allow for little pockets of grief… even from things you’re healed from."


"I was asked about an emotional hack for letting go... Here's the truth; They are NEVER going to be sorry enough... You want THEM to bleed from the cut they gave YOU. It doesn't work that way. When you realize this, you can finally save your emotional energy and free yourself from the burden of holding a grudge... You can move on."


"The desire to live within our comfort zone and to be in control all the time is a denier of a fulfilling life that excites. Let go..."


"Exactly when will you give up?When things will seem out of your hands ?When situations will seem out of your control?Will you try to control them? Or will you let go?Will you give up then? Or will you keep holding on?Don't tell me that I gave up; I didn't.Because I didn't let go; I just let it be."


"Fear is an emotion you control, not the other way around. We control fear when we let it go."


"The art of letting go is simply about personal empowerment. Realizing what you’re in charge of, realizing what you control, and more importantly, what you don’t control."
