610 Quotes About Letters

  • Author Brian Francis Slattery
  • Quote

    They could read it on each other, their faces wrinkled pages. Words hiding in the folds of their clothes. She was made of letters then, as all of us are now.

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  • Author Joe Wenderoth
  • Quote

    Today I bought a small Frosty. This may not seem significant, but the fact is: I'm lactose intolerant. Purchasing a small Frosty, then, is no different than hiring someone to beat me. No different in essence. The only difference, which may or may not be essential, is that, during my torture, I am gazing upon your beautiful employees.

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  • Author Anthony McDonald
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    I've never had a love letter before. Not from anyone. It is a most wonderful thing to receive. I realise that it makes a present to me of your life, not just your love.

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  • Author Sally Bedell Smith
  • Quote

    Like the princess, Philip didn't believe in public displays of affection, which made it easy to mask his feelings. But he revealed them privately in a touching letter to Queen Elizabeth in which he wondered if he deserved "all the good things which have happened to me," especially "to have fallen in love completely and unreservedly.

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  • Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Quote

    During these three months I have gone through much; I mean, I have gone through much in myself; and now there are the things I am going to see and go through. There will be much to be written.

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  • Author Marwa Ahmed Alaa
  • Quote

    لا أحد سيرسل خطاباً في أيامنا هذه ليخبرك عن أسعار الخضار وصداع رأسه المستمر وامتحاناته القادمة، اعلم يا صديقي أن من يرسل خطاباً ورقياً في زمننا هذا، هو إنسان عجز عن التعبير عما في داخله بلسانه، وكرِهَ أن يرسِل بضعة كلمات خرساء منزوعة الروح، على شاشة الحاسب، فقرر أن يضع روحه ومشاعره في ورقة، ذات ملمس، ولون ورائحة .. وتلك الأشياء الأخرى التى تنسل من ذاته للورقة دون أن ينتبه إليها ..

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  • Author Kurt Vonnegut
  • Quote

    If there is to be no ceiling on the amount of money a man can take out of our economy, then concomitantly there can be no foundation below which a human being cannot sink. What capitalists must realize is that you are fighting to make capitalism survive, not destroy it; you are fighting to eliminate the seeds of destruction inherent in the status quo."~Kurt Vonnegut, Jr's letter to Don Matchan, 27 April 1947

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  • Author Philippa Gregory
  • Quote

    I swear I will never trust Edward again. This is not kingly, this is not as Arthur of Camelot. This is behaviour as base as an archer’s bastard and I cannot meet his eyes when I see him stuffing his mouth at King Louis’ table and pocketing the gold forks.

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