58 Quotes About Lgbt-literature
- Author Abhijit Naskar
Homosexuality is immutable, irreversible and nonpathological.
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- Author James Brandon
If you just amass the courage that is necessary, you can completely reinvent yourself. You can be your own hero.
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- Author E.M. Forster
I have almost completed a long novel, but it is unpublishable until my death and England's.
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- Author James Brandon
The things that make you different are your superpowers.
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- Author Laura Chouette
We can not all love in the same way -for the feeling would be called ordinariness instead. And of that, the world has too much already.
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- Author Hugh Bradley
We save every patient, each in different ways." Dr. Leonard Anderson Lying Evidence, a novel
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- Author Clint Catalyst and MIchelle Tea
I felt old. Again. It had been happening a lot lately. I did not live the life of an old lady, but I could hear it beckoning to me, like a mermaid on a rock."— Michelle Tea, "Paris: A Lie" from the anthology Pills, Thrills, Chills and Heartache
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- Author Cristina Bruni
John alzò di riflesso gli occhi a quelle parole, una luce fiera e innamorata li animava. Non si sentiva più smarrito: per la prima volta in tanto tempo, aveva compreso d’aver incontrato il comandante del suo cuore.
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- Author Cristina Bruni
Benjamin non gli stava sorridendo solo con le labbra, ma anche con gli occhi, le braccia e tutto il resto del corpo. Il capitano era lì ed era venuto per lui, pronto ad accoglierlo con cuore e anima, per condurlo via con sé.
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