587 Quotes About Liars
- Author Shannon Wiersbitzky
Eyes aren't good liars.
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- Author Arthur Schopenhauer
If we suspect that a man is lying, we should pretend to believe him; for then he becomes bold and assured, lies more vigorously, and is unmasked.
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- Author Sam Harris
Of course, the liar often imagines that he does no harm as long as his lies go undetected.
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- Author Donna Lynn Hope
Do we really need a study on why people lie? They lie because it's easy, and cowards are good at "easy." Telling the truth takes moxie, and few have it.
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- Author Derrick Jensen
Like the layers of an onion, under the first lie is another, and under that another, and they all make you cry.
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- Author Bosnian Proverb
Who lies for you will lie against you.
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- Author Howard L. Salter
A lie carries a weight that is exponentially higher than the truth. It’s weight will retard growth directly in proportion to the area lied.
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- Author Crystal Woods
Never believe the beautiful. Trust me on this.
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- Author Bria Guishard
Most of us lie because it is our last resort to get out of any uncomfortable situation.
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