174 Quotes About Liberal
- Author Noam Chomsky
With the development of industrial capitalism, a new and unanticipated system of injustice, it is libertarian socialism that has preserved and extended the radical humanist message of the Enlightenment and the classical liberal ideals that were perverted into an ideology to sustain the emerging social order.
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- Author Stephen Holmes
Antiliberals endlessly berate their enemies for "instrumental thinking." But they do not clearly explain the evil of producing better goods at a lower cost.
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- Author Shelby D. Hunt
Consistent with the liberal views of the Enlightenment, Leibniz was an optimist with respect to human reasoning and scientific progress. Although he was a great reader and admirer of Spinoza, Leibniz, being a confirmed deist, rejected emphatically Spinoza's pantheism.
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- Author Avi Silverman
It is only by ignoring fact, science, and reason that one can support current Republican positions.
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- Author Alan Dershowitz
Bigotry against any group should be disqualifying for high office.
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- Author Angie Thomas
empathy is more powerful than sympathy
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- Author Suchet Chaturvedi
Let the love not escape from within.
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- Author Angela Carter
Justine's virtue, in action, is the liberal lie in action, a good heart and an inadequate methodology.
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- Author Northrop Frye
Tendintele autoritate ale conservatorismului trebuie corectate prin mituri ale libertatii, in vreme ce un simt conservator al ordinii trebuie sa tempereze tendintele liberalismului spre iresponsabilitate sociala. Revolutionarul nu este decat un critic nepregatit, care confunda mitul libertatii cu realitatea, la fel cum un copil confunda actrita cu o printesa de basm reala.
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