174 Quotes About Liberal
- Author Сигизмунд Кржижановский
Ведь слова обращаются медленнее, чем монеты
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- Author Ed Krassenstein
If you're a Republican, just imagine what you would have done if Obama slept with a porn star months after Michelle gave birth to Malia, paid hush money to the porn star, and lied to America about doing so.
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- Author Kenneth G. Eade
A Libertarian’s just a Democrat whose vote doesn’t count. Same thing.
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- Author Roland Baader
Jenseits der direktdemokratischen Gemeindeebenen entwickeln sich Demokratien immer und überall zum Umverteilungsstaat, zu Sozial- und Wohlfahrtsdiktaturen und zu Schacher- und Bestechungsdemokratien.
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- Author Will Rogers
A liberal is a man who wants to use his own ideas on things in preference to generations who, he knows, know more than he does.
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- Author Roger Scruton
The American liberal is certainly not averse to the power of the state, provided it is exerted by liberals, and exerted against conservatives.
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- Author Yascha Mounk
In this book, a liberal is somebody who is committed to basic values like freedom of speech, the separation of powers, or the protection of individual rights.
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- Author Zybejta "Beta" Metani'Marashi
You give your children what they need and not what they want. When you give your child what they want they are going to expect everything and every time from you and from anyone who is around them regardless who they are,you, neighbor, teacher or government. Congraduation you raised a liberal.
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- Author Stanley G. Payne
La Guerra de la Independencia [.... g]eneró dos nuevos términos políticos y militares que España proporcionó al mundo contemporáneo: «guerrilla» y «liberal».
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