29 Quotes About Life-change


"When I tell, I inform. When I ask, I transform."


"Prayer is about steeping in the Spirit of a God so loving that He totally changes you."


"Wake up call may be a disastrous failure, if it results in a life change, the failure is worth the suffering"


"I found that those friends of mine who welcomed the unseen into the realm of their seen offered immediate understanding. Some are Christians, some are not. Most are artists of some kind or other; artistry can extend to a way of being, of living lovingly in this world. Many seem to have almost a spiritual affinity for the unmarked trail, armed only with True North. ["Leap With Faith" Blogpost By Carolyn Weber — July 27, 2011]"


"Gospel change is the Spirit of God using the story of God to make the beauty of God come alive in our hearts"


"Some dream with the open eyes, while some dream with the close eyes.Some of us even don't have eyes, they dream with the legendary perspective to enlighten the whole world and become one."Touch the light of the universe, you would never sleep again in your fantasy dreams."


"Knowledge isn’t life changing. The application of knowledge is."


"Enlightenment is not a rocket science, it is the pure awareness of something deep within you that is ageless, formless and undefinable."
