51 Quotes About Life-meaning
- Author A.P. Sweet
We learn that all life is scarce yet abundant. Profane yet sacred. Loving yet hateful. Enlightened yet obscured. Isolated yet collective. That life is somehow derived from love.
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- Author Saul Bellow
Just then his state of being was so curious that he was compelled , himself, to see it -- eager, grieving, fantastic, dangerous, crazed and, to the point of death, "comical." It was enough to make a man pray to God to remove this great, bone-breaking burden of selfhood and self-development, give himself, a failure, back to the species for a primitive cure.
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- Author Talismanist Giebra
Life is a beach. Don’t make spelling errors.
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- Author Talismanist Giebra
No throne in the world can substitute a beach chair.
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- Author Sayaka Murata
I caught sight of myself reflected in the window of the convenience store I'd just come out of. My hands, my feet—they existed only for the store! For the first time, I could think of the me in the window as a being with meaning. "Irasshaimasé!
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- Author Jón Kalman Stefánsson
من يتذكر اولئك الذين نادرا ما تشتت اذهانهم او ربما ابدا، وما فقدوا قط انفسهم في الاحلام ، لم يشعروا بالشرارة وشيئا فشيئا شابوا وشحبوا واندمجوا بلا مقاومة تذكر منهم ، في الرتابة . أولئك الذين اصبحوا رتابة تلاشوا قبل ان يأتيهم الموت بمدة طويلة ؟ أيمكن ، ما دام الامر كذلك ، أن نسعى وراء الشرارة ، على الرغم من أنها قد تكلفنا حياتنا في وقت مبكر جدا؟ يستحسن إذا ان نجازف ونحيا ، بدلا من الاحجام.
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- Author Carolyn Ives Gilman
To die this way seems so random, so trivial. I have been robbed of meaning before being robbed of life. To die in darkness, alone -- for what purpose was I ever alive. It is as if I emerged from darkness into delusion, then sank back into darkness forever.
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- Author Talismanist Giebra
There is something between the call of the wild and the need to know what’s all this behind.
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- Author Anubhav Mishra
When people say they try to find themselves, their inner self, to understand the meaning of life I smile and I say, instead why don't you create yourself and give a new meaning to your life
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