366 Quotes About Life-purpose
"Learn to be You. Why follow in someone else's footprints?"
"Why settle for anything less than total life fulfillment. Start by filling yourself up with you!"
"So many celebrations have become empty because the meaning has changed. Find your meaning, to find yourself for a fulfilling life experience."
"Get the kNACk of being you by getting the NAG out of you. Find out how in Chapter 5."
"Think "Energy" before opening your mouth. Send out good vibes in every word you pronounce."
"One Need activates hundreds of Desires. Find long lasting happiness and fulfillment by knowing your Personality Needs instead of following your desires."
"You feel most fulfilled when your actions are filled with meaning. Find meaning to find yourself."
"There is nothing more rewarding than being a real-life hero… Everyone can and should be one! People just have to be aware of their superpowers; everyone has at least one!"
"Live a good life. More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate."