181 Quotes About Living-in-the-present
- Author Shunya
The most favourite food of goats is a plant which has thorns all over it. But they munch on it so softly and artfully that thorns just add to the taste just as heat adds to the taste of coffee. That is the only way to win over duality: Drink life sip by sip, one moment at a time.
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- Author Shunya
Pencil breaks when you sharpen it fully. A student who wants to write only after fully sharpening the pencil will never be able to write. He will waste whole pencil in sharpening.
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- Author Karen Hackel
The way is yours for the asking - the way is yours for the taking. The way is as it should be.
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- Author Richie Norton
No more tomorrows. Today is the day.
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- Author Paula Heller Garland
I lit the candles and said out loud, “what am I waiting on? Someone to sell them in a garage sale for a quarter after I die?” And it was beautiful. And the smell was even more incredible than I remembered.
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- Author Melissa McPhail
To know love is to know fear.
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- Author Shunya
The present moment is eternally new. Happy New Moment.
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- Author Shunya
Have you heard the sound of knife cutting through apple? Have you felt touch of water when you wash your face? No. Because while doing these things you are already thinking of something in future. To be in the present you have to be fully sensitive to your surrounding. More sensitive you are, closer you are to the eternal bliss.
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- Author Solange nicole
Make every day count... Even when you think it's the worst day of your life; for you never know when it'll be your last.
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