73 Quotes About Lockdown

  • Author Srinivas Mishra
  • Quote

    Everywhere you look daily, the number of patients with COVID-19 diseases is on the rise.Yet the Government is lifting the lockdown and some restrictions.So now everything has to be done with more care.In Hindi:हर जगह आप दैनिक देख रहे हैं , COVID-19 वाले बीमारियाँ की संख्याबढ़ रही हैं। फिर भी सरकार तालाबंदी और कुछ प्रतिबंधों को हटा रही है। इसलिए अब सब कुछ अधिक सावधानी से करना होगा।

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  • Author Srinivas Mishra
  • Quote

    Since there is no medicine and vaccine for corona, just keep social distance, use masks. and the only way is to wash your hands. it has a higher rate of disease resistance than mortality. It can do no harm, even if you have a virus in your body because of the increase in energy or strong immune system , This is a message of hope and reassurance for all of us.After Covid-19 lockdown relaxation , Coronavirus cases are increasing in City.Now Infection in slums, is danger to the state

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